The Crazy Maniacs Series DeviantArt Wiki


"Plz don't embarras me again Im trying to look realy important" - Extinguisher
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Meet the PSYCHO! is the 6th episode of The Crazy Maniacs Series


Toy Bonnie is thinking of something , Toy Chica wants to know what and Toy Bonnie replies with "A great idea!" . He then got mangles arm and ripped her hand of and threw it against the hallway and got Foxy's hook and put it on Mangle's hand . Foxy looks at his missing hook and screams.

Bonnie , in the confessional , is very worried about Foxy missing his hook. Foxy thinks Bonnie is jealous because his face and arm is missing and he's pretending to be Foxy's friend .Chica mentions that if anyone hurts her friends , she will bury them alive in a hole of their own .

Toy Chica wasn't happy when Toy Bonnie hurt Mangle . Toy Bonnie says "Serves those idiots right for making noise!" .

In the main hall , the Marionette can be seen and his music box could be heard . The camera does a slow dolly zoom and then the screen is black.



  • The idea of Toy Bonnie destroying Mangle's hand is somehow a reference in Total Drama Action where Heather violently tries to get a knot out of Lindsay's hair purposely .
  • When Chica says "I've got my eye on that psycho." is a reference in Total Drama Action where Leshawna , in a confessional , has her eye on Duncan because he was bullying Harold .
  • Marionette has pupils but is never shown with pupils ever again .


  • In Foxy's confessional , he's missing his eye patch
  • When the screen cuts to black , the music overlaps the outro music for a split second